Ben's SportsBlog

Ben is an expert on sports. He may be 12, but he can tell you about things that happened way before he was born. ESPN better be watching out for this guy...

Friday, June 30, 2006

Phillies end regular season with a victory

My team, the Phillies, won their last game Tuesday, 11-0 over the Rockies. Just a few weeks ago, we were blown out huge, but we didn't have Corey then. Now, we have Corey back and we are raring up for the playoffs next week. Continue reading my blog for more developments on what happened during the playoffs, and other stuff in sports.


My dad is losing our bet

At the beginning of the baseball season, my Dad and I made a bet. He bet that the Milwaukee Brewers would have a better overall record than the Twins, but I bet that the Twins would have a better record than the Brewers. So far, I am in the lead by 3 1/2 games. When the Twins play the Brewers this weekend, I have a chance to extend my lead, or my lead could drop. What will happen? It all depends on how the games are played.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

The juice

With the publication of "Game of Shadows," the public has to ask this question: Did Barry Bonds use steroids? I say yes, because I read an issue of Sports Illustrated with a long story about Bonds, and the facts were amazing. Other big leaguers may have used the juice, but I think Bud Selig should either suspend Bonds or ban him from the game for life.